Your Guide to Thinking Like Custody Lawyers

This guide is about representing yourself in a child custody case. People often make mistakes when they represent themselves in court. They tell their whole story, but judges are looking for specific information. The judge focuses on the child’s best interests.

Focusing on the child is the best way to win your case. Also, highlight how the other parent isn’t a good fit. Don’t mention how bad the other parent is as a person. Instead, talk about how their behavior impacts the child. It’s vital to stay organized and speak clearly. Avoid using legalese or making emotional arguments. The judge is looking for someone who can logically present their case.
If you go haywire with your story, the judge may rule against you. Instead, keep it tight and to the point. Experienced custody lawyers will tell you to make three solid points. Back them up with facts, then wrap them up neatly. If a parent has been hitting the bottle too hard, give specific examples of how the drinking messes with the kid’s life.
Also, mention the dates, times, and places to back it up. And don’t sleep on the law books. You must educate yourself on what’s what, use proper words, and write with good grammar. All in all, make your case logical. So, if you’re in a child custody situation and flying solo, this video has some real nuggets of wisdom to help you out.