6 Tips to Finding the Right Whistleblower Attorney

Have you seen some kind of wrongdoing at work? Did you report it? Many people see things they could report but do not follow through because they are worried about retaliation. At least 22% of all people who do report some wrongdoing they see at work say they suffer from some form of retaliation. If this describes you, you may have a cause for a lawsuit. “Qui tam lawsuits” are filed. If you think you need to file a lawsuit, you need to talk to a whistleblower attorney to help you with your case.
Qui tam is a shortening of the Latin phrase, “qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur.” This can be translated into, “[he] who sues in this matter for the king as well as for himself.”
Getting the right whistleblower lawyer can have a huge impact on your case. Here are some tips to getting the right whistleblower attorney to guide you through the qui tam lawsuit procedure.
- Talk to your friends and family. You can find a fair amount of information online but the best way to find decent goods and services is to get a personal referral. You may not use the same attorney that someone you know used but you can get started on a list of whistleblower attorneys to check with from your friends and family.
- Find whistleblower law firms. Like doctors, lawyers specialize. You would never to go a pediatrician for your heart problem. You need to find lawyers who have a lot of experience working on qui tam lawsuits. Ask them how much of their practice is devoted to whistleblower cases. You need to know how long they have been working on these cases and how much time they spend each week working on these cases. Another wrinkle in these qui tam cases is that the law is extremely complicated. You really should only consider whistleblower attorneys with a tom of experience working on these cases.
- Ask about their track record. Ask the whistleblower lawyers what they success rate is with these cases. You need to find a law firm that has a decent number of positive outcomes from their whistleblower cases. Ask about this but also look into it on your own. It is easy to make big claims that are not at all true. Do your part and look into their claims.
- Ask about their experience working with the United States Department of Justice. If you can hire a lawsuit attorney who has a lot of experience on qui tam cases and has a great relationship with the U.S. federal government. If there is any way the government will join your case, the likelihood that you will be successful goes way up. The more work the law firm does with the federal government, the better.
- Meet with the whistleblower attorney in person. You do not have to hire a whistleblower attorney who practices in your city but you should get some one on one time with them in person. They will either go to you or pay you to go to them for an in person meeting. You may want to look into law firms in Washington, DC that are near the Department of Justice. They may have more contact with that federal agency and may be able to get their help. It is important for you to have a decent relationship with your whistleblower attorney.
- Ask who will be working on your case. Law firms often rely on paralegals and legal assistants to do a lot of the work on cases like this. You should get to know the people who will be doing this work on your behalf. By the same token, you need to ask who you will talk to when you have questions. You may not always be able to talk to you lawyer but you should have access to that person at least some of the time.
The federal government has established whistleblower protections to help people report wrongdoing in the workplace. Despite this, people are hesitant to report what they see because they fear retribution. If you experience this, the right attorney should be able to help.