Many people drive drunk fairly regularly, thinking that they’re only “buzzed” and they’ll be safe. But in the eyes of the law, “buzzed” is usually the same thing as “drunk,” and drunk driving is highly dangerous. When you ingest alcohol, your body
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Are you planning to form a limited liability company (LLC)? If you’re looking for help forming an LLC, then you want to work with a business lawyer that has extensive experience in this area of the law. It’s particularly important to have
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If you want to have a good chance of getting better after suffering from a personal injury, you need to enlist the help of the best injury attorneys in your area. With their assistance, you can get a better outcome in personal
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People who are unable to work due to a disability will need financial assistance to meet their expenses. When the disability is temporary (for example, pregnancy or surgery), the person can apply for temporary disability benefits. However, when a doctor determines that
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You need a lawyer to defend against car accidents and any incident on the road that needs professional assistance. A local car accident attorney can help you mediate with insurance companies and anyone involved in the accident and help you improve your
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The law is put in place to protect innocent people and help ensure that no crime goes unpunished. Although the law does serve us, most Americans do not have a proficient understanding of the law; for this reason there are people who
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Most states take dui charges very seriously, and they’re quite right to do so. DUI is a leading cause of traffic accidents and fatalities, especially among younger drivers. DUI can be a serious problem on the roads, and also for any individual
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Many people want to have a comfortable retirement but not everyone is doing all that they need to do to be properly prepared. Far too few people who are still working give as much thought to their retirement plans as they should.
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If you are having to go through cases, trials and more in order to come to an agreement over personal injury settlements, then there is probably a lot more going on in your mind then just want comes across at court. It
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While personal injury or tort trials made up almost 60 percent of all tort, contract and real property trials nationwide as little as a decade ago, the truth is that only about 4 percent of these lawsuits ever go to trial. However,
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