Taking A Look At The Importance Of Personal Injury Law Firms In The United States

Personal injury law firms are commonplace throughout the United States, and this is really no surprise. After all, personal injury claims themselves are very common, so much so that up to ninety percent of all personal injury cases are even able to be settled outside of the courtroom, with only about four percent to five percent ever actually seen before a judge. And many of the cases that are handled by personal injury lawyers at said personal injury law firms are in direct relation to car or other such motor vehicle accidents.
Motor vehicle accidents are the most common types of personal injury cases, making up more than fifty percent (fifty two percent, to be more exact) of all personal injury cases throughout the country. There are many causes of motor vehicle accidents and many preventable accidents end up as a personal injury claim at one of the many personal injury law firms. If you think that you have a personal injury case, contacting a personal injury lawyer at one of the many reputable personal injury law firms should be something that you pursue and do as soon as you are able to.
One of the many causes of personal injury car accident cases is that, of course, of drunk driving – as well as driving under the influence of a substance other than alcohol. In fact, more than one million people are arrested each and every year for driving while intoxicated, and even more are simply not caught. As only around four thousand people are caught while driving under the influence, but up to three hundred thousand people do so each and every day, there’s no doubt about it that driving while intoxicated poses a huge risk to everyone on the road.
In fact, drunk driving will result in very nearly thirty deaths over the course of a single day, and leads to a new injury every two minutes (no matter what time of night or day it might be). And driving while under the influence extends past alcohol. Other drugs, both legal and illegal ones alike, make up more than fifteen percent (sixteen percent, to be a little more exact) of all car accidents that occur within the boundaries of the United States.
Young adults are also at risk for getting into car accidents, a fact that is well known by personal injury law firms all throughout the country, often due to the fact that the brains of teenagers and young adults are still maturing, and in fact won’t be fully matured until they reach the age of twenty five or so. Because of this and other factors, people who fall between the ages of fifteen (the age at which you can legally obtain a permit here in the United States) and forty four account for an astonishing half of all deaths that occur in or because of a motor vehicle accident.
And the repercussions of such accidents can be immense – and a reason why people seek legal advice from the various personal injury law firms that have found success all throughout the country. More than thirty seven thousand people died in car accidents in just one year alone, and sometimes that number climbs even higher over the course of a particularly brutal year. And some three million or so people sustain life threatening injuries in car accidents as well.
These injuries can vary, from the relatively minor (like whiplash or lacerations) to the much more serious, like paralysis or internal bleeding. When a spinal cord injury occurs during a car accident of any nature, it can leave the victim paralyzed for the rest of their lives, an event that will almost certainly change the entire course of their future in some way, shape, or form. For many people, jobs are lost and so too is independence, at least during the period of rehabilitation, though some people will need full time care for the rest of the time that they are alive.
As personal injury law firms know all too well, the after effects of car crashes can be truly devastating.