Who Qualifies for a DUI Diversion Program?

Driving under the influence is a serious offence, and according to the DUI law, it is a considerable threat to the lives of other motorists, pedestrians and the driver himself or herself. Anyone caught with such a crime is subjected to arrest and severe penalties. While the federal government has been working hard and educating people on the dangers of DUI, most people seem to ignore the simple ways to avoid this offence.
What is DUI Diversion Program?
As much as DUI crime is a serious offence, first-time offenders are given an opportunity to reform thanks to the DUI diversion program. The programs are specially designed to help a defendant charged with drunk driving. He or she is taken through DUI classes where they go through different sessions including treatment for alcohol addiction. Besides, they are supposed to give service to the community. All these sessions have to be carried out to have the charges against the defendant dropped. Also, the person arrested must plead guilty and undertake DUI classes to completion in for the case to be dismissed According to statistics an average DUI offender is not trying the dangerous habit for the first time; he or she has done it 80 times before being caught for the first time.
What are the DUI Diversion program requirements?
To qualify for DUI diversion program, there are several requirements by DUI law that have to be fulfilled. In the USA, these requirements vary from one state to another. You may also need the help of a DUI firm where you will find a lawyer to get you the most favorable sentence.
First-time defendant
The first requirement is that one should be a first time offender. This requirement applies to all states.
Blood –Alcohol Concentration
Secondly, the blood-alcohol concentration of the defendant should not be beyond 0.15%. High levels of blood-alcohol concentration lead to disqualification for DUI diversion program. Even with the best DUI law firm, you cannot get a diversion program.
Type of case
Another requirement is that the drunk driving should not have led to the death of either a motorist or pedestrian or caused severe injuries of road users. It changes from drunk driving defense to a criminal matter.
It is, however, necessary that every motorist familiarizes with his or her state DUI law. This is mainly because the laws vary from state and also depending on the type of case.
To get further help and understanding of the diversion programs seek advice from a qualified DUI attorney.