Enrolling in an Independent Legal Insurance Plan

If you have ever required the representation of an attorney, you are aware at how expensive it can be. Although every attorney differs on their fees and how they collect payment, they are share the fact that they are expensive. It can be a cost that many struggle with paying, despite the fact that they need the attorney?s representation. They are often left with payment plans, struggling to come up with the money for many months, and sometimes years. What if you could protect yourself in the event of needing an attorney, much in the same way that you protect yourself with health insurance, in the event that you might need a medical procedure? What if you could receive law help on independent legal insurance plans?
Most people struggle with the payments of hiring an attorney. This is because it is usually never an expected payment. In fact, nearly half (49%) of Harris Poll respondents were very or somewhat likely to consult websites where consumers can post legal questions for lawyers to answer. Although these websites can be pricey as well, they do not require the same retainers or payments that having an attorney in person would cost. However, although these paid online attorneys may be able to provide you with information, they are not able to represent you in court. Many court cases would benefit from an in person legal representor.
An affordable legal insurance plan allows you to prepare for the event that you might need an attorney. It provides you that law help at a discounted price. You receive legal advice and legal representation when you need it and you only pay a small monthly fee. The lawyers are available for legal assistance, whenever you need it. They are also available for a variety of different legal problems.
For example, driving under the influence is one of the most common legal offenses that people hire attorneys for. An attorney can help to reduce the sentence and can negotiate for reduced jail time or probation time. Over 1.4 million people are arrested each year for DUI first offense. If you do not have an independent legal insurance plan and you choose to hire an attorney, you are likely to pay thousands of dollars for law help. If you cannot afford it, you may have the ability to pay it off over a few months, but you will still be paying a large amount of money each month.
If you have an independent legal insurance plan, you can simply call for an attorney. You continue making your small monthly payment, and never pay anything else out of pocket.
Divorce cases are also very common. People going through a divorce do not require the services of a lawyer, but it can be very helpful. Lawyers can do all of the communicating and the negotiating for the spouse. They are also aware of all of the divorce laws and what you are subject to. You may not have the ability to hire a divorce attorney without having an independent legal insurance plan.
Legal insurance plans can also help with minor legal violations, such as speeding tickets, traffic parking tickets, estate planning and minor misdemeanor charges. You will receive the representation of a qualified and knowledgeable attorney, when otherwise you may have not been able to afford them. The law help that you receive is now affordable legal help.
One of the best parts is that you will still have choice in the attorney that you hire. You will still have a list of attorneys that you can choose from to represent you. Most people choose to visit the website of the attorney that they are interested in. In a Harris Poll, 44% responded that they are very to somewhat likely to check a lawyer?s own website.
Hiring legal representation can be very expensive. In fact, you may not receive the best legal representation, simply because you cannot afford it. If you were to participate in an independent legal insurance plan, similar to a health insurance plan, you would be provided with quality legal representation any time you needed it for a variety of legal cases.