A little-known and discussed form of elder abuse is financial exploitation. By reason of old age or due to physical and mental limitations, some people may no longer be able to manage their own financial affairs and become easy targets for the
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When your legal rights are infringed by the police, to whom do you turn for help? After all, the police are there to protect you, right? Sadly, along with a lot of your fellow citizens, you may have just discovered that things
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Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we lived in a world where everyone always got along, or if they couldn’t get along they could at least work everything out quickly and amicably? Alas, real life is not a fairy tale, and even the
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Everyone enjoys kicking back and having a good time. Unfortunately, common sense is often nowhere to be found when alcohol is in the mix as every night hundreds of thousands of individuals across the country drive while under the influence of alcohol.
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It seems like an accident or legal stumble can happen at any time in your life. Americans all across the country find themselves in need of a legal representative to help them navigate the system at large and get their life back
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The ability of the dishonest to negatively impact others through securities fraud, which the FBI defines as crimes that either deceive investors or manipulate the financial markets, seems to grow with each generation. It is counted among the white collar offenses, but
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Trying to settle upon a career path is difficult, but if you have decided on court reporting, or think it might be for you, then you certainly have selected an adaptable and lucrative option, and an interesting one too. It is not
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With the prevalence and rising rates of divorce in the United States, many people, especially fathers, are finding themselves in situations that require the help of a family law attorney. During Anglo Saxon times in England, marriage and divorce were private matters;
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Updated 6/2/22. Marriage is indeed a beautiful thing, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Many people, celebrities included, have gotten married not once or twice. Finding a compatible partner to spend the rest of your life with may sound like something
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People who are bitten by dogs have the right to sue the owner of a vicious dog for their injuries. If the injuries inflicted by the canine are serious enough, their cases may fall under the catastrophic injury definition. Of course, finding
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